Naples Daily News wins prestigious photo contest
The Pictures of the Year International competition, celebrating overall achievement in journalistic photography during the course of each year, has three categories: Magazines, newspapers of circulation greater than 100,000, and smaller newspapers. This year, the 65th of the competition, the winners in each category were National Geographic, The Los Angeles Times….and the Naples Daily News. That’s right, according to POYi our local paper prints some of the best pictures in the nation – and this isn’t some minor contest:
Since its founding in 1944, POYi has become the oldest and one of the world’s largest and most highly respected photojournalism competitions. For six decades, newspaper and magazine photographers have sent their strongest images to be judged in an annual contest started by the late Cliff Edom, the University of Missouri professor who coined the term “photojournalism.”
Check out some photo galleries at
But why just settle for pictures of Naples when you can experience Naples in person?